Privacy Policy
In accordance with new legislation, that came into force in 2018 it is important for you to know that I am complying with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). I hope you find this information helpful.
Why I store your data
When you first make an appointment, you provide me with some contact details. This is so we can keep in touch and also for part of the statistical information for my business.
How I store your data
This is what you have provided to me, either over the phone or on email when you first contact my practice. At no other time will I be provided information about you by a third party.
The information you provide to me is stored on a double layer password protected system
Any personal information written down is kept in a locked filing cabinet
Session notes, which I keep from our sessions are anonymised (your name and details are not kept with your session notes) and are stored on a password protected system
Forms and notes will be destroyed after three years of completing counselling
All digital information will be safely stored and destroyed 5 years after completing counselling
Phone numbers kept on my phone will be anonymised as per the above system
When I share you data
Very occasionally, if you or someone else close to you is at serious risk of harm, I may need to break confidentiality. This would lead to me sharing some of your details with an approved body such as your GP. I would always discuss this with you first, and this is in line with both my practice contract and the guidelines of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.
Know your rights
You have rights regarding your personal data, including knowing what information I have on record about you.